
총 : 80,893

번호 고유번호 회사명 대표자명 법인구분 법인등록번호 사업자등록번호 주소 전화번호
80753 00499888 AllianceBernsteinL.P. Lewis A. Sanders 기타 80156720 1345 Avenue of Americas, New York, NY 10105, U.S.A. 212-969-1000
80752 00276153 AllianzAG Henning Schulte-Noelle 기타 HR B 7158 KoeniginStrasse 28, 80 802, Muenchen, Germany 7244-677
80751 00429250 AllianzFinanceB.V. H. Konig 기타 14006 Keizersgracht 484, 1017EH Amsterdam, the Netherlands 020-6276516
80750 00602543 AllianzGlobalInvestorsAsiaPacificLimited Raymond Chan 기타 BFE699 27/F, ICBC Tower, 3 Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong 852-2238-8000
80749 01433807 AllianzGlobalInvestorsGmbH Tobias C. Pross 기타 FCA 419431 Bockenheimer Landstraß3 42-44, 60323 Frankfurt am Main, Germany 02-3703-4776
80748 00476452 AlliedVictoryCorporation Juno Secretarial Services Limi 기타 15491 서울특별시 강남구 삼성동159-9 도심공항타워 14층 02-2188-1012
80747 01358612 AlliedusLogisticsLimited Ho Siu Ping 기타 45981 1201, Tower1, 33Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon, China, Hong Kong 852-2736-9268
80746 01422360 AltosKoreaOpportunityFund2,L.P. Altos KOF2 Management Partners 기타 44317 Menlo Park, California 94025, USA 2882 Sand Hill, Suite 100 +1-6502349771
80745 01039197 AltosVenturesⅢ,L.P. Hodong Nam 기타 5345106 2882 Sand Hill Road, Suite 100, Menlo park, California 94025, USA 070-4484-7024
80744 00466941 AmaranthAdvisorsLLC Nicholas M. Maounis 기타 061613383 One American Lane, Greenwich, Connecticut 06831, U.S.A. 203-422-3300
80743 00466385 AmaranthFundL.P. Roderick Forrest 기타 98-0187979 Chancery Hall, 52 Reid Street, Hamilton HM12, Bermuda 441-295-9294
80742 00473987 AmaranthLLC Robin Bedford 기타 15503 28 N. Church St., George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands 345-945-1510
80741 00536781 AmazingMicrocomputerInc. chen hsi nan 기타 016415 서울특별시 강남구 역삼동 677-25 큰길타워 6층 001-852-2736-1620
80740 00378460 AmericanCenturyInvestmentManagement,Inc. William M. Lyons 기타 8018174 서울특별시 종로구 내자동 세양빌딩 02-3703-1951
80739 00632836 AmericanFundsInsuranceSeriesInternationalFund Chad L. Norton 기타 95-4257949 333 South Hope Street, 55th Floor LosAngeles, CA90071 USA 213-615-0469
80738 00297332 AmkorTechnology,Inc. John Boruch 기타 9659 서울특별시 종로구 내자동 223 세양빌딩 3703-1114
80737 01040421 AmundiLuxembourgS.A. Enrico Turchi 기타 B57255 5, allee Scheffer L-2520 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg 352-42-120-1
80736 00935928 AmundiSingaporeLimited Jenny Sofian 기타 198900774E 168 Robinson Road #24-01 Capital Tower Singapore 068912 +65-6439-9372
80735 01063662 AnbangGroupHoldingsCo.Limited Mingde Wang 기타 1976204 International Commerce Center, 1 Austin Road West, Hong Kong 8613910660853
80734 01068083 AnbangLifeInsuranceCo.,Ltd. Yao Dafeng 기타 40945 Room 1002, 10/F, No. 6, Jianguomenwai, Dajie, Chaoyang District, Beijing +861391066085